Griesbach, John Henry


English pianist, composer and violoncellist; born at Windsor; was the son of a violoncellist in Queen Charlotte's band. His uncle, George Leopold Griesbach, was his first teacher, and at twelve he became a cellist in the band mentioned. He later studied under Kalkbrenner, and played at London as a pianist in concerts. From 1822 he taught and composed and for a time directed the Philharmonic Society. His compositions are Daniel, an oratorio; overture and incidental music to The Tempest; an operetta, James I., or the Royal Captive; two unfinished operas, The Goldsmith of West Cheap, and Eblis; a musical drama, Raby Ruins; several overtures and other numbers for orchestra; anthems; songs; and cantatas, lie wrote also An Analysis of Musical Sounds; Elements of Musical Notation; Pianoforte Student's Companion; and other works on acoustics and musical theory.